Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Red Sky...Night


Despite the fact that I was racing from responsibility to responsibility...and of course running late, I JUST had to pull off into the Trenton Market Place parking lot to take this startling photo. Whether I see a red sky at night or in the morning, I have to go through the whole recitation of "RED sky in morning, sailors take warning. RED sky at NIGHT, sailors DELIGHT." After decades...why can't I sort this out in my head and be just a tad more automatic predicting the weather?!

Will tomorrow bring a beautiful day followed by another wicked snow storm? Time will tell. Sometimes it is best not knowing what will come, but just accept the weather minute by minute. Stand by we live in Maine. It will change.

Post Five: Consecutive posts prompted by Father John
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Father John said...

Your absolution is complete, my child, and what a fine photo to finish with. Now, the question remains, can you stick to this righteous path?

travelinma said...

Father...that is the BIG question whether I will be able to sustain this exercise. Some days I feel that I squander my God-given talents through distraction. May I continue this path of photographic purity. Of course, I rely on you to pray and guide me as I am apt to stray from my intended course.

Only one among your flock,