Thursday, July 31, 2008

Capturing the Imperfect



Cautiously, I trudged through tall weedy grass in my flip flops to capture a few Black Eyed Susans. Whenever I see them I think of my mother. As I peered at them through the lens, I noticed that their edges were rough and some petals had holes. No bother...that imperfection equates beauty. Not everything is bundled in a nice neat tiny package. As a photographer (I have never called myself that out loud) may I NEVER overlook that imperfect image which is the truth contributing to the nature and ways of the world as a whole. In short, I want my lens to contribute to the unity of my little world capturing the TRUE essence of a time and place. I don't want to be stuck in my perspective but be open to all. Honoring all.

(I know....a bit philosophical for so early in the morning.)
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1 comment:

jkirlin said...

I hear ya, sistah.