Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Search

I have always been searching for something.  When I was eight years old and in third grade I would walk a little more than a mile to attend daily mass.  The few parishioners that attended had their usual pew seats.  Some to the right, some to the left, but I was upfront and center.  I always knew what to expect-the same folks (all lots older than me), same seats, same sequences of sacred ritual. There was always much kneeling, standing and sitting while I recited the mass quietly with the priest and answered more boldly when the congregation actively participated. 

Easter and Lent was by far my favorite season in the church marked by great sorrow, followed by exultation.  The little sacrifices I made as a kid  eating fish on Friday or giving up candy for Lent were minute compared to all the suffering of the Holy Family.  The sweet fragrance of Easter lilies transports me to this time and the many hours spent in prayer, reflection and searching. 

Today was a gathering of family serving a special breakfast of Belgian waffles and fruit and then a simple, but elegant lunch of roasted lamb with rosemary and garlic, roasted red potatoes, asparagus, fresh green beans, and Caesar salad followed by cheesecake.  A slow peaceful walk in the woods with the dog followed by afternoon prayer and meditation ended our day. 

In this season of renewal, I am still searching for my truth.  Yet this I know:  I will continue to strive to live intentionally and in gratitude.   It is family, my spiritual friends and those slow doggy walks in the woods or along the beach that ground me.   Attending to my spiritual being through prayer, meditation and service will continue to buoy me day by day. Although I did not attend my childhood church today, I am grateful for the reminders that this blessed day of Easter provided me. I remain a Spiritual Being.

1 comment:

shogem said...

I loved reading about your noticing of life around you when you were young. It gave you a foundation to understand the importance of rituals and the peacefulness of slow walks,spirituality and meditation.