Thursday, April 25, 2013

Screen-Less Time

Giving up screen time when I am teaching and taking an online course?  Impossible. I often think about how I would spend hours on the phone at school before email and coordinate meeting times for a dozen or more people.  Now, this process takes less than five minutes.  What a time saver!

I admit that I rely on the computer for my writing as well.  It isn’t that I have given up writing in a journal completely, but again the computer is faster and perhaps can keep up with my quirky, ever-changing thoughts that dart here and there when I am in the writing mode.

I am also happy to report that I can go at least a week without a computer. I have never had an opportunity to experience being “wire-less or unconnected” for a longer period of time.  I read.  I wrote. I sewed. I opened my sketchbook and created.  I went for walks and I swam.  Fires were built, dishes were washed and meals were prepared. Cell phone coverage is non-existent at camp.  The temptation to see if I received any e-mails or comments on my Facebook post did not gnaw at me.  It was simply an impossibility.

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