Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Spectacle

It took some advanced planning and faith in the workings of the tide to complete the process of refurbishing the hull of this schooner.  It began earlier this morning and by noon; it looked ship-wrecked. Because of my limited experience with beached vessels;   I forgot about the principle of Arichimedes and imagined chains with a lot of pulling and prodding to upright the ship and return it to the bay.  By late afternoon, the crew had scraped the barnicles off the hull and began the job of painting its' belly. Before the moon appeared in the sun-lit sky of pre-dusk, there was no evidence in our little cove that the ship had caused such a spectacle among tourists and natives alike.  Cars and motorcyles haphazardly parked on the dusty sides of the crumbling pavement of Route 3, horns honking disapproving of the abrupt stops to gawk and take photos.  With all the high technology of today, often the simplest solutions involve the wisdom that comes with our co-exsistence with nature. 

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