Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The freezing rain sitting on top of the layer of snow is soft underfoot, but will  ice over by morning.  The salt sits by the door in a impractical plastic bag with handles. Not trusting the handles, carrying it from the car and into the house, I nestle it against my body like I would a baby.   Early in the winter, I found a large tin can that holds enough salt to cover the steps and then some.   I broadcast the salt on the steps and walkway in the same way I would feed the chickens leftover cooked rice. I know what I am dealing with when it comes to winter, so far I have survived.

Despite the cold, the snow and ice there is evidence that the ground is thawing. Puddles and mud are abundant.  As the seasons change, so must there be a shift in my thinking and planning.  I realize that I am so unprepared for this next season.  I don't know what to expect.  I don't even know if I have a working lawnmower to manage the nearly 5 acres of lawn.

The challenges that winter has brought are faced day by day.  When I need help, it comes.   Spring is just another season with different set of challenges that I will face day by day.  When I need help, I will get it.  All I have to do is ask and trust that all will be well.


Mary Ann Reilly said...

Your writing is so elegant. Your relationship with the natural world reminds me of Annie Dillard's writing and Barry Lopez. The change in seasons upset me last year. A few weeks after Rob died was Spring. It seemed somehow cruel.

Asking for help is something Ima, just learning how to do.
Peace you you.

travelinma said...

I love Annie. I also love EB White making the ordinary extraordinary!

travelinma said...

What is it about the change of seasons? It has been so cold and gray on the coast of Maine.

Fran Haley said...

The day-to-dayness here is so real. I am awed by your strength and faith in knowing that your needs, as they arise, will be met. This such an encouraging piece.

elsie said...

Help will come, that is a blessing. Each season will pass and you will discover strengths you didn't realize you had.

Judy said...

You have succeeded this season and now move onto a new season, a new beginning. You will survive this new season and the next and the next, with your inner strength and the help of others.

Carol said...

Such a perfect word picture! You are doing it, one day at a time. The lawnmower will be there, and it will work, or someone will help you, when you need it.

travelinma said...

Fran: Thank you. Most days I trust that the Universe has my back, but sometimes I am victim of fear. I appreciate your encouraging comment.

Elsie and Judy: You sure are right about discovering inner strength. I am recreating me.

Carol: I am blessed with 8 children who are a great help to me. I know it will all work out. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and stressed. Thanks for coming to read my blog.

Katie TheLogonauts said...

Ask and trust. A good strategy.

Linda B said...

There is always something, but I'm glad you will have help when you ask, with whatever spring brings. Your place sounds like my brothers with five acres. He says it's rather like a meditation when he mows. He can't hear over the motor, but he can look and look. Your writing about your home and land is lovely, although the icy rain and snow is harsh today, it will bring green!