Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Whisperer

"Did you smell it? Did you?" It was all the buzz at school.  The radius of aroma was far reaching, but there was no evidence of the source.  They say that smell activates memory...

                                Jerry is in the middle.  The youngest boy of three.

"Get that thing out of here. Now!"  I imagined his father barking from his chair, CB in hand.  Jerry  would catch skunks by the tail, putting his hand over the gland.  He claims that prevented them from spraying.   Dangling head down (picture the swaying),  I imagine the skunk was lulled to sleep or too shocked and scared to move, I don't know.  The rough and tumble tow headed boy, my husband was once a skunk whisperer.

I can't remember why he stopped catching skunks, but I have my guesses.


Donna Smith said...

Ha! So cute and funny and stinky, I'm betting! All these stories in people. Who would suspect?

Judy said...

Cute story created from a smell. I, too, can only imagine why he stopped being a skunk whisperer. Thanks for sharing

Mary Ann Reilly said...

Every day I come to know more and more about you and Jerry. Catching skunks? Who would do such a thing? He must have been quite the man.

Linda B said...

My husband hunted a little early on, and then caught and killed porcupines for a Native American friend who used the quills, but I've never heard of anyone being a skunk whisperer. Wow! That is a good story!

travelinma said...

Donna: Thank you for reading. It is so funny thinking about him running through the house with a skunk!

Judy: It is hard to not think of Jerry when I smell a skunk. I just imagined that I would be hearing his skunk stories over and over. I wish I had recorded every detail.

Mary Ann: I remember one of the first posts I read about Rob. It was just a line or two but it was so telling. He had handed you something and insisted that you read it. This exchange gave a glimspe of Rob and of your relationship. I certainly would like to know more. I started reading some of your earlier posts, but it was too hard. I am grateful for our connection. I will though....I am sure you understand.

Linda: Imagine a little boy getting close enough to catch (without a trap) a skunk!
It is a true Jerry story and mystery!!!

Aggiekesler said...

Ewww....I would never get anywhere near a skunk! I can't imagine ever wanting to catch one. He's braver than me!

Super Twin: Numero Deux said...

According to Dad it was because he was trying to catch a juvenile that was under his friend's house and it sprayed him right in the mouth and nose. He was gagging and gasping and puking all the way home and grammy gave him a lashing and then grampy gave him another one when he came home, lastly he said he was grounded until the smell went away which was "weeks"! Apparently Juveniles are the worst because they have no control and let it all go at once.