Sunday, July 14, 2013

Topsy Turvy

When I was a kid, I would sprawl out on the long, scratchy couch in the living room and instead of dusting, I viewed the world from upside down.  An undetermined amount of time would be spent this way my upper torso bent, my head almost touching the floor, everything topsy-turvy. The same chair or for that matter the same face I had intimately known was unrecognizable with a simple tip of the head.  Yesterday as I lay under the shade of a maple, I watched people walk with my head tipped.  Interestingly, from this perspective movement was halted, jerky not at all fluid when viewed upright. 

Life is complex and can be viewed from various perspectives.  Things are not always as they seem.  I would like to think that I am flexible and open, viewing arguments and decisions from various points.  Yet sometimes, I know I am guilty of rigid thinking.  I have lost that childlike curiosity carefully dissecting the world from varying degrees of experience and vision.  If only I could trust the Universe, just a little more.  My rigid thinking would be gone and I may move about this world with a little less fear.

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