Saturday, January 23, 2016

Prepared and Accustomed

I don't mind winter. It hasn't always been like that though. My darling husband bought me muck boots that have never disappointed my little piggies that carry me in the most frigid air. He also bought me a down jacket. The secret lies in having the proper gear and de-emphasizing fashion; opting for comfort. For most of the past week, I have been able to take long walks outside. Clearly, being outside fulfills a need. As I hang my outer gear on a hook, I  reminded of Marie Kondo's book on Tidying. At first I thought it odd that she suggested her readers to offer gratitude for clothing and shoes in fufilling their intended use. Since reading this I have been more cognizant of how very grateful I am that I am equipped for winter walking.  While most of the eastern seaboard is snow bound, I sit in front of the coziness of the wood stove this evening and anticipate a return in the morning to the snowy path tamped down by an army of feet, enjoying whatever winter brings because I am prepared and accustomed to Maine's climate.

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