Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Lumberjack

Stanley, the lumberjack is here.  So far he has cleaned out the ashes, started a fire and is now on his way to the dump to take care of the recyclables and trash.  When we closed the inn years ago, he stayed on with us at the log cabin.  It helped us and it kept him busy.  Jerry was his boss.  He and Jerry had grand plans-a vision.  Now, I must be the one to hold the visions and direct.
It's a big task.

This Saturday morning is strangely quiet. I miss Jerry.  I miss the hearty laughs and stories that Stanley and Jerry would exchange. I miss the delineations in our lives.  Jerry primarily dealt with heating, yard work/gardening and tinkering about the house.  Right now, I hold it all.

My vision is to simplify.  I know it will take time.  In the meantime, I must be patient, breathe and trust that all will be well. I am so grateful that little bits of my life remain the same.  It is good to have Stanley around now and again.


Linda B said...

Hi Barbara, I'm glad you have that lumberjack to help. Those workmen, repairmen, and family help have saved me. I just had some new storm doors installed and I am happy that they are there! I'm sorry that you are lonely today, but tomorrow is another step. Sending a hug across the air!

travelinma said...

Linda, How wonderful you were able to get those storm doors installed. Thank you so much for sending that hug across the air. Right back at you. Each moment is new.